What kind of men do women like?
id: 10035862
I've been thinking about this for a long time, every woman likes different types of men and on each woman, preferably a different kind of men. One likes gentle romance, another - rough and brutal men.
But most importantly, I think this is one of several factors.
Care and attention from men. A woman always gives preference to someone who gives her a lot of attention and is ready for her for everything.
A man's sense of humor. This quality is also important for all women. Being in the company, she always gives preference to someone who knows how to play tricks and attracts attention with their positive attitude.
Purposefulness. A person who knows exactly what he wants and works every day to fulfill his dream and achieve his goals will always attract the attention of the fair sex and will respect them.
Self-confidence in men. Just like a man, a woman will never give preference to a representative of the opposite sex who suffers from complexes and is not sure of either her words or deeds.
Sociability of men. A man who wants to attract the attention of women should behave in any company at ease, be able to maintain a conversation and be an interesting interlocutor. you just need to actively communicate and evoke positive emotions among the interlocutors.
And here each man preferably possesses some of these qualities, I'm sure that you will find yourself in them and with pleasure will write to me my ideal man.
