“Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own” (c). H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
When two people start dating, they try to do something pleasant for each other. They feel strong interest, passion and desire to impress! And of course, on the first dates ladies try to get dressed as beautiful as possible. Men try to show their financial independence, they want to show to women the fact they can take care and responsibility for relationships and family.
So what happens in some years? Of course, they get used to each other… A man doesn’t have much motivation to show his level of wealth and independence, and a woman starts wearing sneakers and jeans instead of high heels and red dress. Why does it happen? Well, they feel that they won each other’s hearts and there’s no reason to keep this intrigue between each other. That’s wrong!
In my humble opinion, a woman should always look gorgeous. And she should impress her man, because she is his muse! She gives motivation for a man to wake up in the morning and go to work, to hunt for wild animals (I mean to perform tasks, haha) and bring them home. A woman takes care of home and provides comfortable life.
In response, a man plays role of protection and support. A man gets comfortable life from woman and provides safety for their nest!:)
Of course, all of us know these standards, and probably it sounds boring for some people! So how can we diversify relationships? BY PRESENTS, SURPRISES AND PLEASANT MOMENTS!
Would you feel pleased if you wake up early in the morning very tired and sleepy, but your spouse comes to your bedroom with cup of coffee and tells you: “Oh, honey, let me massage your shoulders first and then you can have this delicious coffee”? I hope you would!
Would you become happier if you come back home from hard working day and suddenly find out that your lover prepared small romantic surprise: bathtub with petals and candles around? Of course, you would!
Don’t forget, that relationships require exchanging. If your partner is a giver, never forget to give something in response. It can be a letter with three important words (I LOVE U) or mansion on the private island, it can be a bouquet of dandelions or a lollipop - it doesn’t matter. Just show that you can love and you still love.
Just be creative and don’t feel shy: act and impress!
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