How to make a woman think about you after the date? what date is good to go for kissing?
id: 10036231
Hello to everyone! Can i ask you some frank questions? When was your last date? With a woman? When your kneels were trembling with the feeling not to spoil everything? Because you really like a woman and want the second, third date with her? When you doubt to kiss her or not? When your inner voice advice you not to kiss her on the first date, even on the cheek.. But you crave your tenderness so much! What if..she can be afraid to be on the subconscious level as easy accessibility..and therefore there can not be any serious and long-term relationship? In the same second your brain gives you a hope to kiss on the optimal option 2-3 dates.. You imagine yourself to escort the girl to the entrance, or to her car, taxy, and on farewell this kiss finally happens. This is a very sweet moment! You can feel adrenalin comming to your blood even now when you think about the ways.. the variants of the possibe date, about the kiss.. the final thing.. to kiss her lips.. to taste her! To keep this taste until the morning. When you wake up and find the phone to send her a message. And she who did not sleep all the night long.. because you made her think about you all the time after the kiss, She had a fantasy about your future together.. But now she worries. Why? Because she does not know if you liked the kiss? If it was long enough to drive you crazy? It if it was not too early to give you a kiss and what you think about her? And if you call in the morning?

I have a so big desire to feel all this again! I carve this! I am ready to refresh all this feelings in you and make you the happiest man!!! Do you want to be my man?

Sexy and tender

PS: Where will be your hands while kissing?