Hello to every one! What langueage do you speak? What language is your mothertongue? Do you believe that it is possible to study some language if you have never been to that country? I was dreaming.. that if i had a chance to go to the langauge courses.. what language would i choose for myself to study?
I think if i had a chance to would study all! I try to be a good girl and i would do all possible!
But did you notice that in this list is something missing? There is no the main language! Language of LOVE!
I think that every person should study it himself. With all problems and difficulties on the way. But finally this will be the most important thing. I wish you only know how it is nessesarry to have practice. If i had a parner for practicing that would be awesome. Because i would use all Love dialects on him.
Such as
-WORDS. Love speaks the language of kind words. To love is also to be able to ask forgiveness and say "I forgive". Love does not require, but asks? When we are told pleasant words, they celebrate our successes, we are grateful and, very likely, we will be ready to make something pleasant for the partner in return?
-TIME. it is what you can give to you partner uncondionally! Just turn off your phone and listen to your lover, support and give advice. Is it little? No! it is a lot!
-GIFTS. If to love is to give, then gifts fit the definition as best. A gift is a visible embodiment of love.A love gift is what a person has at least for a while. A gift is your embodied thought or feeling, about which a person will think for a long time: "She remembers me" or "He thought about me when he chose this gift". Do you like this feeling?
-ASSISTANCE. did you ever think what is help? To help is to do something for another person, express your concern in action. This is not only about when a wife prepares dinner, cleans up at home, husband buys food.. This is when anything happens and she can rely on you. DO you come to help when someone needs it?
-TOUCHES. Should I talk about bonuses when it comes to spending more time and attention to the intimate life of partners? :)
What language shall we speak?
Sexy and Tender
ps: is here a language that you dont speak yet so we can practice together? :)
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