How much Beauty is enough, before we settle on one person
id: 306634
If you have been on this site for any period of time, if your a male, you probably have experienced it. How much beauty do we need to entertain before taking a chance on one woman. I find it amusing that the assumption of many of the wonderful ladies, generally assume that each man, is entertaining multiple woman, as if to build their harem. To presume that many letters each day, grace our home pages, and depending on the person, he may read each and every one, i know i do, out of respect for the young lady that made the effort and wrote to me. Does that mean because out of respect i did not cast her communication aside, i am some how violating a trust, no of course not. i know the one for me knows who she is, not all men are pigs as the saying goes. We as men were designed to recognize beauty, but beauty in it self does not drive every man to be some how unfaithful to the woman he wants in his life, there are allot of fears that both men and woman go through, am i good enough for her, will she like me in person, am i really to old or to young for her. Will she smile to my face, and destroy me with her friends. i have made no bones about what i am doing and what my desires are. i cant and wont speak for all men, as i can only speak for myself. I have a long history, i have not always made the most prudent decisions in my life. i do know that i have made decisions well enough, i was made the Area Commander for a Police Department. So i must have done something right. I guess there are some men that play games with the woman they communicate with, but speaking for my self, what drove me to this site, i had made three different attempts to start a new relationship on a couple other sites. During the conversation stage and then later i discovered they were scammers, one of them stole from me, all of them lied to me and one of them was actually a porn star. i am a decent investigator, and it didn't take long for me to uncover what these ladies were doing. So i stopped looking for a while then came here. So please don't assume only men play games, it seems to me there is enough blame to go around.