1. Playing blame game
Most couples embrace blame as an option in their relationship. Long distance communication can be 1000x more difficult. Apportioning blame to your partner becomes easy because it becomes almost impossible to judge context over a text message. As a result, the relationship becomes ‘constipated” in terms of communication leading to frustrations.
2. Letting jealousy and insecurity rule
Some people purport that jealousy is a very good virtual in a long distance relationship. But if you are constantly being company your partner keep while away is a polite sign of emotional immaturity of being in a long-distance relationship.
Insecurity is linked with jealousy and brings a lot of misery just sitting down depressed and over-thinking about your partner. In addition, jealousy, insecurity brings about over-possessiveness and trying control you’re your partner’s life and bulldozing your ideas into their life.
3. Prioritizing communication
A healthy relationship revolves around high levels of communication for it to flourish. Although you don’t need to Skype or call every day, you need to make efforts to communicate otherwise it’ll be a long, rough, and dusty road.
With that said, communication doesn’t have to be forced. Many long-distance partners try to force communication every time they happen to have some downtime. This is because many fear not communicating will lead the relationship into fading away.
Forced communication is counterproductive as no grown-up would appreciate having a gun by their next in form of ‘communication’
4. Allowing external influence into your relationship
It is very hard not to find that one friend who is always on your business and very nosy on your personal life. When you are in a long distance, these are the kind of friends giving you all manners of advice (both positive and negative). One time they will tell you how lucky you are another time they’ll say that long distance doesn’t work.
If you choose to listen to them, you will be misleading yourself and your relationship will be a wreck. At the end of it all, they will have the last laugh by making jokes about you. You surely don’t want such negativities in your life. Remember that you and your partner are the only persons who know about your relationship status, not them.
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