I am looking for a man with a skill to love!
id: 10037771
Every one of us has skills. What kind of genuine skill do you have? I'm a psychologist and how this can be useful in our personal life? Do you believe in hypnosis? This method is used in psychotherapy. Maybe I can use hypnosis to increase sexual pleasure? But… have you ever thought about the origin of love? Scientists say that this is a chemical reaction in our head. It seems to me that this is more like a gift from God. I know for sure that you cannot create love by artificial methods. Hypnosis can make an interesting sex life. A lot of piquant moments and games could make the bedroom of a real amphitheater of sex. And all this could make with the help of several psychological tricks. ))) I can do it! But no one can get into our heads to turn on the switch "love". It does not work that way. Love potion? Nonsense. Only communication and intimacy will give the desired effect! I’m still single and I hope you reading this blog can change that situation. Could you?) yours Julia