All people, especially women, want to be beautiful. It is our nature. We try to wear fashionable clothes and keep our body in shape. In addition we want to have nice voice etc. I suppose that many people will agree with me. Many people like beauty and perfection, it is good.
But what should we think about people, who have defects? I think that all people have met such people. What comes to our mind when we meet person, who has defects with speech for example?
Some people are scared or do not want to talk to such people. We think that they are not perfect and they do not fit us. We just feel sorry for them. Is it right? – Not.
If we met person with defects, we have to communicate and find out more about this person. Maybe it will be necessary to learn language of jests or something else for communication. Nevertheless, we must find way for comfortable communication. Maybe this person is your destiny?
If you met such person and you liked him or her – do not afraid of what will say your friends or parents. If you like person, you would not notice defects.
I hope that all people will find love and could deal with different defects.
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