Smile is the best weapon during war- you never know what your enemy hides behind it!
Smile is the best weapon in love – it may kill you or heal, depends on case!
Smile is your first step in society; it’s your business card you walk in life!
The first thing I pay attention at is a smile because it says so much about a person I see for the first time in my life! Smile decorated with sparkles in eyes can tell more than case from police department…
I value my life and I have enough warmth to share with people around me. I have dozens of reasons to give my smile and bright somebody’s day! The one values life and every moment of it that had bad days…
I believe sunrise always comes after rainy night! Such sunrise comes with a bright rainbow and it can be reflected in our eyes only if we allow it to. The most important is the weather inside of our soul! It may be rainstorm and lightening outside but how much it is important to save warmth and rainbow inside!
Every new day brings new hopes and new dreams, follow it and do not forget to keep your brightest decoration- smile!
I am ready to meet my beloved man despite of his past and present because the most important is our future! Life gave me good lessons, rather expensive but unique! I am ready to share my life with a person who values love, the one who is not spoiled but that one who knows taste of LIFE!
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