Before i go to sleep
id: 10013758
When i am in my warm and soft bed, when my child sleep tight, when all the problems of the day are in past and solved, when the dark fills my room, i start to think about loneliness. It is such o terrible need of a human to have someone near him... We are not made to sleep alone, to be alone, we are made to explore life together. It is so pleasant feeling to fall asleep near a loving person. You can understand how great it is only when you loose this opportunity, only when you are alone.

I want to be with my man at the evenings, want to share with him all i had at that day, to listen to his stories, to make plans and feel such love and tender to this man. It is so simple for those who found love and it is so important and hard for those who fall asleep alone.
Sleep well, members of this site, i wish we all soon will be very happy?
