Travelling with a beloved person
The world is so big and in any part of it you are able to find best
place to feel yourself live, but not just alive. I adore traveling.
Sometimes it seems for me that there is just one thing in life which
can really make us happy - it is travelling with beloved person.
Because such moments in life will stay with you in your memory for
ever and you will always try to recall them in memory when close your
eyes. I think each of us know that life contains with moments when you
don't think about something, but relax with your body, mind and soul.
And if you are with your soul mate and close to the nature then I
think it is one of the best moments in life. Do you agree with me?
I have been just to Egypt and Turkey, but I like these places a lot.
And I know now for sure that when I will have chance to visit more
countries then I won't wait - I will take my best mood and smile and
will go...I like life - I can't wait to live it and I live it each
second...and I never regret.
May be it can be very trivial but I wish to see New York, Las Vegas,
Paris, Italy...of, Greece, Miami, Australia...But the most of all I want
to visit all these places with my beloved man, because just then all
the emotions will be completely and real.
Where are you live, my beloved man? May be your country will become a
planet of my dreams, because you will hold my hand?