Find and not lose!
id: 10035524
Find your soul mate is not so easy. It is even more difficult to build relationships so that the family boat does not turn into a "Titanic." Everything is in our hands: we can kill love, and we can save it.

Even if friends and acquaintances consider you an ideal couple, there are days when you willy-nilly ask yourself the question: "What I was thinking when I chose this person." At this moment, everything wonderful and bright that was between you, imperceptibly departs somewhere to the second plan. Just mentally go back to the time when you were in love with this person and remember what you were in him bewitched by that time?

It is very important in relationships to be patient but not a martyr. If you have discussed a problem and felt calming, then you did everything right. But if you still have dissatisfaction, do not be afraid to tell your partner about it. We do not know how to read each other's thoughts and most likely if you open your feelings and emotions your beloved person will do the same and together you will be able to overcome any difficulties.

All people make mistakes, do not they? But not many partners can understand this and forgive.
I dream to meet a man who can understand me, my strengths and weaknesses, and love me as much as I'm ready to love him. After all, when a loved one is happy you feel the same, right?)
