We are all here to achieve certain goals. They do not differ much, but still everyone sees it in their own way. But, one way or another, to achieve our goals, we must communicate with each other. And that communication is happening through letters. Reading a few letters, I understand that some men do not really understand how to start a letter (and most likely men think the same about women) I, as a blogger, know a little about writing art texts, and even wrote a short text on this subject. Yes, I know, this text is about how to write an introduction to a big novels and a tales, but the same rules apply to writing letters, therefore, the purpose of this text is to help men write the entry a little better. Here we go...
"So where do we start?", you may ask? I could whistle and tell you that you have to read a lot of books / magazines / articles, watch a lot of movies, listen to gigabytes of music, and I would be right. Even if you read Dontsova and Ustinova ( not really a good Russian writers, who writes romantic detective storys for womans), and listen to Dorn and Shnur ( not really good Russian singers, who sings... well, bad) - your vocabulary will be replenished, and the idea of the world / people / culture - expand. But since you are sitting at a blank page with a pen at the ready, I think that you have enough cultural baggage behind your shoulders, and it's time to throw it on paper. And you need to start with a killer phrase. Yeah, that's so simple. You need to come up with a proposal that will either overwhelm your reader with its pathos / multifacetedness / hidden meaning (which you, of course, will not hide too deeply, so that everyone can understand it (and be happy with this fact)), or simply instantly involve it in the narrative . For example, the phrase that I just came up with: "The happiness of the young Archibald Nunimacher was truly great, but the clock in the drawing-room already struck 13 times". If this was the beginning of your story, then in your first sentence your reader would discover what is contrast, intrigue, and some alarm. All this is achieved by the simple word '' but ''. Young Archibald is happy, but (and this will be you contrast) ... The reader understands that the clock in the living room overshadows his happiness, perhaps he is killed it at all (and this will be your intrigue). And what is about this watch? The point is about themselves, or maybe ''13'' is the time of the arrival of some bad guest, or a bad accomplishment? Or, maybe the very number 13 - and it, so it has already become customary, is associated with something bad - causing some harm? Yes, as you already guessed, this will be the your alarm. That's how a good start to your great, admirable work will look like. And even if after this suggestion you have two or three pages of water, it does not matter, because for the reader, "the clock has already struck 13 times". "
That's actually all I wanted to tell you. I'm sure you have a story. Everyone has a story. But I would listen to yours. Yes, exactly yours. I'll listen to him, and her, but let's talk now about your story, about the one I want to listen to. I'm not The Master of Writing texts, and I do not like to teach. Therefore, this small piece (just as this whole work, as a... whole) is more like a a little motivation. It's simple, I swear to you, everything is much easier than you think.
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