We all want to have harmonious relationship.We want to love and to be loved,enjoy romance and comfort with beloved.And to get it we please our partner by being agreeable to what they want. But it is very important to stand up for yourself in a relationship too.
It is so much difficult to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings in relationship.We all are different,we have different characters,views on life,backgrounds and life customs.In relationship we depend on each other. And our lives are strongly connected.Some of us have very strong pertsonalities ,others are weak and for such people it is so difficult to "protect"themselves.Standing up for yourself in a relationship is not easy task,but it is important not to lose yourself and not to lose own life way and goals.How much it is important to be diplomatic at all times.Consider your partner’s point of view and be empathic towards their feelings especially in times of misunderstanding .If you Stand up for yourself it doesn’t mean you take the role of the overbearing and manipulative partner who dominates their partner in every way. Try to be calm and wise. Practice fairness and diplomacy especially when discussing something where you both have different opinions.Respect opinon of your partner and never offend.If your partner is wrong -never be afraid openly tell about it.But you must be absolutly sure that you are right and your opinion is proved.
If you need to stand up for yourself in a relationship-do it! Never be afraid.Remember that fact because being in a relationship sometimes makes us tread carefully with our words. We sometimes keep our opinions to ourselves to avoid hurting or upsetting our partner.It does not always work.We must not forget that relationship it is two ways road and we are equel.Never let your partner manipulate yourself.Never let partner to offend you and hurt.People often try to keep silence and not to tell all not to upset partner.It is not always good idea.Sometimes bitter truth is much better than hidden lie.Learn how to say no if you feel absolutly disapproval and it doesn't matter if it disappoints your partner.the main clearly show and tell what you feel and think.But never! never offend your partner,never rise your own voice and always be ready to take into consideration opinion.And maybe the main secret how to make partner take your own point of view- sweet kiss) tight hugs and kind words wispering on ear...
And what are your own ways of standing up for yourself?:)
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