When did we decide to exchange the word "Morality" with the softer, more seductive word "Taboo"
id: 306634
First let me apologize to my readers for saying it like it is, as I will most likely offend some of you with the truth of your imoral conduct for the sake of doing things labeled "Taboo" these days, making the behavior more enticing with a word that draws you to shameful conduct, that if was labeled as it was in my generation "imoral" behavior, which represents a code of public and private behavior that is morally questionable, I know I am stepping on some toes, and yes, risk loosing my potential future wife, but not to call it like it is, is doing Injustice to our relationships. I don't have a corner on the market of morality, if you choose to know me better you will discover, what i did in my career for God and Country, often ran the edge between morality and imorality, I guess the question becomes, what will you do or sell to act in a way that reflects poorly on you and your family, past, present and future. By now you know that I am a Christian, and if you have every studied Hebrew, you would learn about your name, my name in Hebrew is interpreted as "peace maker" the beatatudes in the Bible, states, Blessed are the peace maker, they will be known as the children of God. Please know that I was unaware of all of this when I began my career in the military and in my civilian life, I have been a peace maker my whole life. God designed sex for the procreation of children and for the pleasure of a husband and wife, there are no limits to your discovery of each other's bodies, and likes in that context. But to make "Taboo" behavior exceptable out side of you loving relationship, moves toward depraived behavior, as I told a friend of mine recently, there is a saying in my country, when you have sex with someone, you are having sex with all of those your partner had before you. I am sorry for getting in my soap box, but something said to me lately by a very beautiful woman, drove me to write this blog, as I felt she needed to under stand me better, and to know we often madk immoral behavior with words that hide the shame in the conduct. Again, I would rather risk being alone than ignoring the truth as I an millions of Christ followers see it, my hope is to give you my perspective on the matter. In closing God made us to love unconditionally our beloved, and sex in the relationship through Christ has no biblical limits, thank you for considering my view, if you find yourself challenged by my words, don't last out at the orator, seek within yourself how this may apply to you.

With respect
AKA TeddyBear