MARRIAGE – Important or Not?
id: 10011026

Marriage is the first stage of human society.

The consequences of marriage affect every aspect of society. It occupies the most intimate aspect of personal privacy and personal love and reaches the pillars of the sacred institutions of a culture. Marriage is the pillar of society, but it is also the pillar of government, business, and the military. Marriage cuts to the very heart of a nation. Marriage is birth of a new family, a new unit of society. As goes marriage; so goes the nation. It infiltrates every aspect of human life not only for the married but also for the unmarried. When marriages prosper, the nation rises; when marriages fail, the nation falls. Divorce has influence on children, alters the course of the next generation. Divorce is the step to the grave of a culture and the nation.

Marriage without love is fear. But not only love is the foundation of family happiness this is also loyalty, respect and trust each other. And of cause basis of the marital happiness is in kindness, openness and responsiveness which are the three pillars respectable society.

But we cannot say that marriage is only the achievements of social and economic nature of humanity. Occupy a worthy place morality and moral development of people, the growth of aesthetic culture, strengthening the role of religion, supporting the sanctity of marriage: "Marriages are made in heaven."

Let’s get married... (joking)...) Let me know YOU more)