My sexiness is like a treasure...
id: 10038277
I want to be sincere from the very beginning and tell about my past,and how do I feel how... It was hard road in my life, that I try to forget, but still something will stay in memory forever...I always want men to see a real woman, who deserve just romantic and tender feelings, in me, for whom man wants to start strong and courage...Woman is like a muse, and that is why I always value beauty in relationships between man and woman.
My ex ruined that world and made me think that all men want only sex, in my marriage there were so less from heart, just using like a sex toy or trophy wife to show their friends.The main words in our ex family were "mine", "I want","take, but not give in teturn".It was like stupid playing in one gates.After years in marriage I were totally lost and desolated,i did not understand what is wrong with me...
But know I want to show my sexiness and give this treasure to one special man, who will value every steps I made to him... Because a real sexiness fills both partners with harmony,when two take and give,because sex is wonderful, it creates joy and happiness,like a magic.I want me and my beloved to be the one whole ,with a great power inside, which leads to the world of miracles,miracles of freedom and flight, miracles of pleasure and real satisfaction.
I missed sincerety, I missed the moment,when I can share with my beloved all my secrect fantasies and desires, and many women act the same way... Now I don't want to keep silence and hide my real feelings, I am open for new emotions.
Sexiness of both is like a treasure ,it is a big gifts and how we will use it depends only on us.There is no shame on something bad,no sin or taboos in real sexiness,no reasons to be shy... And when you loose all the complexes,you start to feel your heart and your body and follow these new feelings.
Listen to yourself and your beloved, in this case there are no advisers ,just small hints, which show you the way to the world of LOVE.
With all the best wishes for everybody here.