no cheating is a must vs. passion, unimaginable attraction, strong chemistry
id: 10037621
I read through some stories on blogs here particularly about is there life after cheating and I can in some way imagine those feelings. I'm not saying about having same experience but about empathy. When I was thinking about what most important in relationship is for me... young mind pushes to passion, to unimaginable attraction, strong chemistry, looking for connection when you can understand someone from one glance... but all of this can be good and lasting only when you have fidelity in the couple. If there is no such thing, trust disappears and everything fades away. Something faster, something stays in tact longer and usually just habits and comforts stay longer. Only fidelity and trust can ensure that life of the couple keep going. This is what I realized long ago but managed to put into words just now.

Do you look for a girl that have such understanding of being together? I find it hard and ridiculous staying alone when I clearly know what I want and know how to make it last. Are you also on the same page with me?