Well, one cannot always catch up in long distance relationships, you can try spending time with each other when both of you are free. Expectations will rise from both ends and keeping them up is important for a strong bond. Keep updating about your whereabouts to your partner which can help building trust and a sense of belonging.
As communication is what matters the most, maintain the communication and never let any gap pop up between both of you. Though it is hard at times communicating everything, you can share the most important things with your partner on a priority note. Patience and Understanding takes your relationship to another level. if you have them or cultivate them, it will save you from many problems.
LDR can be fun, constructive and a matured form of relationship where one has lots of opportunities to be individual. Being creative helps you to work on your relationship.
So here is an incomplete list of things you can do to show your love to your long distant partner; I invite you to add to the list any creative ideas if you have.
1. Use Technology to Your Advantage
There are countless ways to use technology to keep in touch with someone, which you were no doubt using before you arrived on campus. Text messaging, IM-ing, sending cell phone pictures, talking on the phone, sending emails, and using your videocam are only some of the ways you can help stay (and feel!) connected to your far-away partner. Make times with each other to meet up online, and view it like a date. Don't be late, don't forget, and try not to cancel.
2. Try to Send Old-Fashioned Mail
As simple as it may seem, getting a card, gift, or care package in the mail always brightens someone's day. For partners who are separated by long distances, these little gestures and mementos can provide a physical connection of sorts. And besides, who doesn't like getting a cute card or cookies in the mail?!
3. Make Sure to Visit
It may be hard -- financially, logistically -- but visiting a partner who is away can be really important to maintaining your relationship. You can meet his or her new friends; see where he or she lives; take a tour of the city; and just get a general feel about your partner's life. Plus, when you both are back at your regular places, you can picture more about your partner's life when you're talking on the phone or chatting over the internet. Despite the distance, visiting also demonstrates your interest and commitment to your partner (and might be a great idea).
SO,my dear friends….acording to this I do believe we can do anything!!!