The Different Meaning of the Number 1
id: 48756
I am writing this blog because of a line in an oldie song I heard yesterday and it dealt with the number 1. This is an important number in all of our lives for our entire life. Just think about it. When your parents decided to have a child, that was the number 1 child. In some cases and in many cases that may be the only child they have. Therefore, if that applies to you, you will always be the number 1 child even when you become an adult.

That number also applies to sporting teams you were on or any other competition you may be in. It is a natural thing to want to be the best in whatever you do and therefore you always strive to be number 1. I think it applies to everything and everybody in the world. We all strive to be number 1 in something we do. That includes work, sports, entertainment, everything.

But the song I told you about has a line that also shows the other side of the number 1. That is loneliness. The line is "one is the loneliness number you will ever know". That pertains to if you are single and feel lonely, even if you have a child, or if you are married and you do not feel like a husband or wife, but only a friend. I actually think being married and feeling lonely is worst than being single and feeling lonely.

So as I said, the number 1 can be good because you feel successful and can feel bad because you may not be loved as you want to. If you have any feelings about that, please let me know. I am interested in knowing how you overcome the loneliness in your life.

The Kid