Experience within the limits of the norm
Any new experience in life is stress. Let it be small and let it be positive. But, whatever one may say, novelty always scares.
Stable and harmonious relations imply interaction, exchange of time, feelings, energy, which can not be compared with anything. Therefore, each of your experiences is unique.
If it comes to the head of solid "Do I really like him?", "How does this dress sit on me?", "I'm not too intrusive?" - this is also normal.
The main thing is that doubts disappear on the date. Not to become the background of your communication. And do not need to tear your hair, if he does not call the hour or postponed the meeting (and in advance).
Take care of yourself and do something. He does not have to call every half hour. And, if he really likes you, he will still do it when the opportunity arises.
What "bright future"?
There is a bad habit among women. Too much to think about the unrealizable. You lost your head at first sight and are already thinking of packing your bags and rushing after him to the end of the world, because you love?
Slow down!
Do not confuse love and love. These are completely different feelings in depth and meaning and their manifestations are completely different.
Love is wonderful! But we must remember that at the start of any relationship partners are attracted by qualities that they themselves consider positive. Which in themselves, too, love.
Hence the deepest sympathy, seasoned by an emotional surge.
When passions subsided, both begin to notice something else.
To be in love and be loved, you do not have to lose your head, throw your studies, hobbies, forget about friends and life plans.
Look at things easier. A man should not be the center of your universe. Its center is you and only. And it's not about selfishness. It's about love and respect for yourself.
Meet, observe, choose, feel, love ... With love as with sweets - you need to control the dose so as not to catch diabetes.
Balance of time
In the first relationship, there are two extremes related to time. The first is to spend all your free time together or 24/7.
Here it is more about emotional dependence and lack of own circle of interests and needs.
A self-sufficient person, a man or a woman - it does not matter, you always need time for yourself.
You get used to being with each other, you are having fun together, well and calmly.
It seems that life without it ceases to play bright colors, chocolate becomes tasteless, and the sky is not so blue ... Your mood deteriorates not by minute, but literally in seconds, when the meeting is coming to an end.
Another option is relations at a distance. Someone moves to another city, someone leaves for living abroad, studying, working ... There are lots of options.
This is how the illusion of relations is formed. You, as it were, started dating, but what will you do next? I will repeat until you remember ...
One of the main indicators of a serious relationship - if you meet not only on the night of Saturday in the hotel room.
Extreme relations are not comrades. You can go somewhere without him. This is not only normal, but also useful.
And yes, if he invites you somewhere, then he really wants to go there with you. I'm telling you exactly.
About friends do not forget
Friends have been with you before and will be with you after him.
It is not necessary to draw parallels between friendship and love and to ask the question "What is the main thing?". This question is incorrect in itself, simply because they are two completely unrelated lines of life.
There would be a desire, and time and opportunity will always be found. In the end, imagine how you would feel if a girlfriend forgot about you for a month just because she met him.
Or maybe you yourself observed a similar situation. Your friends fell out of your life in the embrace of a new passion, and then fled to you when the relationship ended. And you, of course, supported. But the sediment remained, right?
Do not do this. On other people's mistakes, too, you can learn.
Pleasant surprises
The first relationship and the first dates are exciting. Especially if you are both trying to create and invent something beyond the boundaries.
But with this, too, you need to be careful. Not all people like surprises and surprises. Not everyone likes extreme holidays, zoos, questsums or even movies. Sometimes people just want to stay in the apartment.
Sometimes it happens. You do not have to come up with an exact plan for your meeting every time and organize romantic dinners for the two of you.
But to focus on the desires and interests of a partner, it is necessary to listen to them. Without options.
First, let the man decide. Let him be responsible for where, when and how you will meet. Listen to what he says and how, even after a couple of meetings, you can easily outline the range of his interests.
Relations are an exchange and one must be able not only to take, but also to give. Moreover, a small initiative on your part is only welcome. Choose what you like both.
You'll see, it will benefit the relationship, and the guy will appreciate such a manifestation of care on your part, and will definitely take a step forward, for example, kiss you first.
You can refuse
I know that you are often afraid to say "NO!".
Then you do not want to hurt anyone, then you're afraid that failure will cause a break, and maybe treason ... In general, a cloud of fears.
It is nonsense. And it directly depends on age. If you are 15 you can still doubt and worry, at this age is allowed. But if you, for example, 32 and you still have not learned to deny people.
Or worse, you always worry about others and never focus on your "I want, I do not want."
Understand at last: even if you have a fan, even if he likes you and he told you about it more than once, you do not have to meet him.
Just like agreeing: "because it's necessary", "it's time already," "it's indecent to be alone."
This does not mean not going on dates.
You can spend time with him to understand for yourself: whether he is interested or attracted to you as a man. If that, bad dates - a great way to understand what kind of man you do not exactly want in your life.
But to rush into a relationship simply because someone beckoned to you, definitely not worth it. This ends in resentment, disappointment and heartache.
How to understand "to be or not to be"? Listen to yourself, listen to your heart and head! I know it's pretty damn difficult, but I'm sure you can! Trust in yourself is the foundation of confidence in the world and men.
This does not mean that everyone needs to be trusted, but the installation "all men - goats" in life there is no place.
You are the author of your life. You do not need to let every man on the counter write it down for you. Even if he likes you madly.
Develop, work on yourself and slowly choose a decent man for a happy relationship, if this is your goal.
Self-evaluation at the level
Self-confidence and self-sufficiency always attract attention. With such people I want to communicate and interact.
This quality is key for the first relationship. Do not be afraid to talk about your feelings and be sincere, do not be afraid to open your heart. It may be that you will become really close with your boyfriend, and then there will be a break.
It happens. Life as a roller coaster is up and down. And the last is not equal to bad. You do not need to guess, SIMPLY LIVE.
Do not rush things
This does not mean playing inaccessibility.
Any relationship has several stages. After "candy-bouquet" comes the stage of rapprochement. Usually "they" spend a lot of time together, meet almost every day, call up and write off, post joint photos.
On the part of a man during this period, there may be unprecedented activity, especially if sex has not yet come to pass. Flowers, sweets, gifts ...
Perhaps that's the way he wants to make you feel good, but there's another option. Maybe he is a professional "carer" or simply puts his personal interest first.
And you relax under the impact of dopamine, forget about yourself and start to discover yourself all the real. All borders, rules and frames come to naught, and you are ready to surrender to him right now.
Here I strongly recommend to include the head. Enamored people tend to idealize a partner with all possible consequences.
... and just take care of yourself
People are different and all men, too, there are certain types of men and they all behave differently in relationships.
Watch for there is development in your pair. Listen to your emotional responses to his words, actions and actions. Be feminine and let him show courage and dignity.
Do not forget about yourself! If you do not like something - tell him about it gently and in a feminine way, but keep your personal boundaries. Believe me, your sincerity and openness will be appreciated.
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