Besides, some men even do not believe that I can cook. Once, one man told me that I do not look like a woman who can cook))).
You know this is kind of paradox how many different cliches are in our head.
BLOND – stupid
BIG BREAST – means hot in the bed
PLUMP or FAT – means she cooks perfect
PRETTY – he can not cook and spend all her time in salons
GRAY MOUSE – honest and shy
Have you ever thought how many cliches in your head and how are they close to reality? Look around , see people near you and analise is something true from our cliches??
In my life everything is different. I am under such clichés as:
1. I can not cook
2. I do not work and spend time only for myself
3. I am stupid because I am blond and do not read because I do not know what books are …LOL
4. I have a car, so I got it by unworthy way…Funny.
But I'll open some secret to you. I have a university degree and I love reading and discussions on all themes. I CAN cook and do it mmm…yummy yummy LOL I insist that you should taste it)) And I do all house work too. I like when it is clean and comfy at home. I am working as a stylist that is why I MUST look attractive. I bought a car together with my parents.
And under what clichés am I in your head??
Let’s broaden our minds and look at each other from another side. Are you with me?
Best wishes,
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