Love lasts three years??? which genius came up with that????
id: 306634
I have known couples that were in love for just a few months, and others that were married from the age of 18 and died in their 80's deeply in love and committed to each other their entire marriage, so tell the genius that came up with that one, to do research before promoting such conclusions. Life and love does not exist on a time table, and can not be assessed in a vacuum. Nor does society dictate the life expectancy of a relationship, society tends to promote and accept behaviors that can be detrimental to a love relationship. I may be a poor example as I am divorced after a 33 year marriage. much longer than the three years touted in the blog. During my marriage I never fell out of love with my now ex wife, there are a great deal of excuses I could use for my failure in the relationship, I was traveling around the world allot in my work, and I am sure she got lonely from time to time, she knew the work I was in required descretion and allot of travel. She did well for a long time, but loneliness took its toll and she began having affairs, which I discovered after returning from work. I divorced her for her betrayal, after we sought out counseling. She walked out on four different counselor's before it was over. I can honestly say, I never ever cheated or had any physical intimacy with another, but let me tell you I witnesses a great deal of men I commanded that did find intimacy in other ladies bedrooms while we deployed, I didn't then and do not now support such behavior of married men, but they did it all the same. I watched a large number of men bring back deseases from foreign females to their wives, and I witnessed a large number of divorces because of their misconduct. As a team member, I had two nick names, TeddyBear and the other was Lucy, after the peanuts character in the Charlie Brown series. So, why is this important, my names were not by accident, when we had intense operations, and the stress levels were really high, I had a way of dealing with the stress that put children and females at ease as they felt comforted and protected in my care as we exfilled out of an are, so they would call me their TeddyBear, I received a great number of love letters after these types of operations as emotional attachments by the victims some times occurs, I never cheated with them and always sent one letter back letting them know I was in their corner and gave them confidence in my words that they would be ok. Men in those situations often need a more direct approach when dealing with this type of stress, thus the name Lucy, if you know her from Charlie Brown, she is the strong, confident, hate to use these words as I will tell you I do not know everything, but Lucy always seemed to. I was well enough trained to be a commander and had to be confident in my actions and directions. Thus Lucy. I know it seems I have slipped from the topic, but I hope it will all make sense towards the end. why did I tell you this, well as I observed love can not exist in a vacuum, and yes circumstances can drive emotional responses. I have been told, by several ladies on this site, they do not believe in love at first sight, well I do. I have seen to much in my life and have witnessed people from other countries fall in love, with only a glance, and yet without knowing their loves frailties and habits they move into a life long love relationship. there are some people that over analyze relationship and often miss the one that is right in front of them, only to use what ever matrix they designed or were told about in search of love, and all to often fall in love only to fall out of love months later as they never really quit looking only settled thus someone else comes along who they think is better, suddenly their current partner is view as less than adequate and they move on, never really finding love, only shadows of what they thought love would be.. Before I close, one last thing, when you use certain words in a description of who you are, they may be innocent to you, but to a foreigner, a no go for a relationship, such as open to, or life of the party, or available for anything, or uninhibited, or no taboo's, people judge you by your actions and your words. if your words show you have little or no ethics, morals or ability to be completely faithful in a relationship. Men like me will not give you the attention you desire. There is one positive note if you look at it that way, there are allot of men out there looking for a hookup, and will tell you what ever you want to here, just like a few ladies I have met here to get you into bed, but if that is ok with you then, it is ok with me, I will continue looking for the one I know who is out there looking just for me, to be their one and only for the rest of our lives. I hope the reader takes this for the observations they are, and at least consider my opinion.