Thank you that you attend my blog! Dont laugh from my blog too much or take me not serious!! Does magnetic tape on your credit card longer than your man's tool? I guess for a man length of his man's tool always vulnerable place?
Scientist prove that enough 4-6 santimetrs to make any woman is happy. When I found out this statement my first impression was shock, smiling, laugh...
I didnt used in the past man's but possible in it there is a sense? lol
Then I begin thinking of sense of happiness for woman nowdays. Is it ammount of man's credit card or his brain and education and manners?
For me his brain and manners on the first place! If a man has brain, his amount on the card will always full and enough for happy life for both, for him and his woman.
Men and women are different anatomically, but also as my small experience in life they are different on their priorities in life and warehouse of mind.
How do you see life's meaning that it would combain with your interests, make you happy and enjoyable in life and did not disagree with the interests of your woman?
Should men to give in to a woman in something?
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