How much in life it is important to love and to be loved.How much it is necessary to know that you have your friend,partner,soulmate-the person who will be with you always,when you are happy and sad,when you are dissapointed or distructed,when you are healthy and not.It is absolute happiness and bless to know that you can come home and loving arms will hug you,when your beloved will listen to you and support.When all the world will be against you,but your own family will be your shelter from all misfortunes of life.We speak so much about love and romance,about passion and pleasure in relationship and so little mention that only stability of family relationship will let us enjoy all these in full valume.Only in family,in marriage we can feel absolute happiness.Love,passion can have many faces,but the family has only one-it is face of trust! We give oath of it to each other and we can promise each other to be always together.People marry to create own Kingdom,Hearth of happiness and love.People want to have stabilitty and understanding,adoption of each other as we are with our good and bad sides.Of course we can say that people who marry tend to be better financially, emotionally, psychologically, and even medically. Marriage is not universally an improvement but it generally is.Perhaps the most important aspect of marriage is that it establishes a legal ,social and moral relationship which makes it easier for people to for each other - economically, emotionally, and psychologically. Most of the rights and privileges that go with marriage are, in fact, ways to help spouses support each other.Yes! It is all true! we all want and need this! But let's not forget about the most important goal of Marriage-to keep love! To protect love! To make Love live forever!Marriage gives relationship the ability to grow stronger and deeper.When we’re with someone we love, but life is still happening around us. What I mean is that you’re going to have good and bad days, but when you’re with your beloved who is supportive and kind, those bad days don’t seem as hard to go through because you have someone by your side any time. You feel better when you are around them and don’t feel alone.This works both ways. A really healthy relationship is when both people put an effort to make the relationship work. If you’re the one doing all the work while they are reaping the benefits, that’s not a healthy relationship. A relationship is a two-way street and both people need to want to drive down the road together.Stability! It is so much important to feel yourself strong! Stability of marriage helps to go in correct direction and to make correct decision in life!The feeling of responsibility for family,for your second half and all members of the family makes us be people,gives us significance of moral values and our own existence.Life is full of difficulties,challenges and temptations,and only family can help us avoid wrong steps.Marriage it is great mission-to safe love,protect love,to protect lives and make this world better and clener.How much is Marriage important for you?
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