As every woman I want to LOVE and to be LOVED at the same time… So now I am gonna to discuss some essential things that every woman needs) (Well, I am not the exception, so talking about myself too) What does woman need and want to posses??? Rather difficult question… but I am here to talk about this… So… Here we go…
Highlu Trust her and give much Appreciation. Thank her for the little things she does for you. When a woman takes care of you, thank her. Do it with words, a hug and kiss, or a wink. Whatever your method, let her know that you appreciate her. The more you praise, the more she will want to do for you.
Make Her Special. A woman needs to feel special to her man. It is vital to the relationship that a woman does not feel like she is just a body. A man needs to let his woman know that she is a prize and he feels lucky to have her. He needs to find ways to show her and tell her with words how much she means to him.
Listen with all your ears and all your heart. A woman needs to be heard. Sometimes men dread when women talk. Usually when a woman is chatty, she is happy. If men realized this, they wouldn't mind her talking so much about her day, or how she feels about things. When a man listens to his woman when she talks and seems interested, a woman bonds more closely to him because she feels truly cared about.
Love & Tenderness (importance of it). Smile at your woman when she walks into the room. Greet her and treat her like a lady. Say good morning and always kiss goodnight. Touch often, even when it does not lead to anything sexual. When a man touches his woman tenderly, he is showing love and it makes a woman feel secure and valuable.
Dream and support (both parts should be involved). Discuss your hopes for the future and share your dreams. Support her when she pursues her interests and she will return the favor.6. Play. Don't stop playing just because you're an adult. Board games, card games and simply chasing her around the house can be great fun for both of you. Some couples have fun playing harmless tricks on each other or even role playing in the bedroom...but that's for another article.
Well, my dearest, now for you I have made a list of some ways how to make a woman YOURS…
*Call her and talk to her every day.
*Always laugh at her jokes.
*Tell her (truthfully) that you can't wait to see her again.
*Offer her a backrub, without asking for one in return.
*Call or write her just to say you were thinking about her.
*Bring her a teddy bear and chicken soup when she's sick.
*Write her a poem.Slow dance with her (not only on a dance floor).
*Bring her flowers for no reason.
*Send her a letter just to say hello (one word “HELLo” may surprise her and she will write you back 100%)
*Always remember your anniversaries and bring her something sweet.
*Kiss her in the middle of a sentence.
*Take her for a walk at sunset and stay to look up at the stars.
*Tell her something about you that no one else knows.
*Remind her that you still think she's beautiful.
*Take a bubble bath together (a little naughty thing but still if you want to make your relationships a bit crazy – it may work!!!).
*Watch a sappy movie with her.
*Surprise her with a candle light dinner.
*Never stop trying to impress her.
*Tell her you love her.
*Never forget how much she means to you.
And one more, which I concider to be the main one, ALWAYS BE SINCERE, FRANK AND OPEN WITH HER AND WITH YOURSELF!!!
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