I am young woman!I am attractive,I am romantic!I am passionate!I am very experianced and mature,I know what I want and where I go.I know how much valuable life is and how much precious love can be.Iknow how much important time is.I am just woman-very strong and weak,capricious and responsiable, I am easy going and active,I do much sport and keep healthy style of life! I can cook and enjoy delicious dishes and wine.I have learnt to adore real friends and enjoy good company.I am open to life and everything new.I am enough mature to know what makes me happy and how to make my beloved happy.I have found that we are most lonely and depressed as women when we make all our decisions from Fear.I am not afraid any more!I am ready to make the first step to my future happiness! I am ready to risk! I am ready to start new page in my life.We live a year after year, guided by a series of fearful decisions-I don't have any fears! I have learnt lessons from my past! But I am not into my priviouse life any more! I am new! Money, nice careers, exciting moments, nice clothes, nice holidays, everything, is threatened by loss.Everything we get and achieve can be lost.But not only we ourselves and nor our hearts and feelings!Our bodies are older each second,but not our souls !Soul remains young and full of energy if you let it of course!You may achieve a lot, but still feel lonely and feel that something is missing, Think about it, are you familiar with this tension I am talking about?I needed years to understand this and to accept!That's why I have understood that only Life itself,Love and really strong relationship are important in life! I am very young!I feel full of energy and drive! Yes! I can agree I am not teenager and my passport doesn't stop to repeat me my age!I know that I am 51,But what it is?It is just combination of 2 figures!No more! We live in 21st centure and women in their 50s often marry at first. Women in 50s look like top models,women look really so good that it is a great problem to find out real age! Women in 50s give birth to babies often at first! Shakespeare's times when woman of 28 was considered to be extremly old lady are deeply in past.Welcome to 21st centure-time of young,active,very beautiful ladies without any age,but full of love and romance! If you have love in your heart,if you have wish to love and to be loved,you will be happy earlier or later- you will find your soulmate. Love is always available to you, because you are already Love.Agree with me?
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