Maybe it is really very difficult to understand woman..Sometimes I cannot understand myself even.My mood can change so often during the day-I can be very happy and absolutly broken..So many thoughts live in my head at the same time-I cannot stop thinking about my past,my priviouse relationships with ex beloved.Sometimes I don't think about this at all,I simply wake up,have breakfast,do household chores,go to my office to work, and meet with friends,other day I cannot throw out of my head thoughts and memories about my ex-I infinitely kill my own heart with playing again our fights, conflicts,how much hurt I was and how much rude he was to me with cheatting and offensive words.And I like broken stereo player play those situations in my head again and again. In such moments I am ready to destroy him and his new woman.Other time I don't think about that all all.. Absolutly..And I am very happy- and full of dreams about my future love, my future happy relationship, about romance and our future nights and days of Passion) And I already adore, love and cannot live without my future new beloved and I am full of joy and pleasure) Sometimes I go to shopping mall and I try to find interesting clothes or parfume) Can you imagine! It is terribly difficult! I simply don't know what can be ideal for me) and to buy parfume or not at all),Will this skirt be suitable for me or not? Ahh! It is really not easy to be woman!I was once asked what my favorite sort of Ice-cream is-You will not believe- I don't know) today I love with chokolate,but I remember very good that two days ago I loved with Vanilla flavor more.I think I will love strawberry and banana aroma soon,but maybe..I am not sure. I don't know what type of man I like-Do I want my future beloved to be short or tall, much hairy or bald) I don't know if I prefer him to be slim or plump) Do I want him to be blond or brunett-I will better relay on destiny.. I don't know what I love more- long dresses or short,skirts or shorts,I don't know what my favorite color is because I love to be different. Each new day I have different mood, different colours of my soul and different clothes) I love to change parfumes and shoes! I adore to be each new day different! Really! It is extremly difficult to be WOMAN.I am stay-at-home person and I adore my sofa and blanket! I love light dry wine in front of TV and loneliness! But I miss funny parties with my friends and dancing till morning-everything depends on my mood and the day itself! I hate to wake up early in the morning and run to office especcially when it is raining, but how will I live without my work and busy days full of stress?? -Ohh my God! I love my work and I adore my co-workers! Yes! Maybe I am really strange creature if I even cannot understand myself!I can only imagine how much difficult for man to understand woman!Sometimes I stop and catch myself on thought that I can love and hate at the same time, I am full of strenth and weakness, I am very happy and full of sorrows,I am radient with hope and absolutly destroyed at the same time!Only I am such strange woman? Or we all are such? Sometimes I want to cry without any reason and next hour I am like Phoenix bird full of fire and ready to fly.I was created to be woman!I was created to be loved!And the only thing I know for sure- it is what I want to love and I am capable to love!I was born to be woman! To be loved! But seems not to be understood... Anna
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