I know that there are a lot of things which have to be in lady to
become best for relations...Here are some of them, which I found have
to be must! If you think I have to add something to the list then let
me know, because I want to be best for my future husband and want to
do all possible to get my aim. I want him to be sure that the best
lady is close to him and ever have doubts.So great lady has to...
1. A real lday has an open and welcoming smile that goes beyond the
surface deep inside her eyes -- the window to her soul. Her eyes and
her whole demeanor kind of "lights up" when you walk into the room or
towards her.
2. Real lady let's her man be himself. She does not want to change you
- clean you up, re-make you or rename you - so she can love you but
accepts you just the way you are.
3. She genuinely enjoys your company - isn't afraid to ask for it or
tell you that she enjoys being around you. Being around her feels like
being around your best friend because you can truly be just yourself
-- no feeling like you're always walking on egg-shells or trying too
hard to please (and always coming short). The experience of being
around her is "satisfying" in its own.
4. She goes out of her way to do things she thinks will make you
happy. She's the woman who'll call you just to say "hi" or "I was
thinking of you" however busy/tired she is.
5. She is independent and secure within herself. She does not need
constant attention and does not put pressure on you to feed her
self-esteem, anxiety or worries about the future.
6. She's there for you when it's up and when it's down. She's happy
out in an expensive restaurant just as she's happy sitting next to you
on the couch, doing nothing.
7. She does what she says she will do. She does not play mind games
but lets you know where you stand because she cares enough to treat
others the way she'd like to be treated.
8. She believes that a relationship should be a 50/50 give-and- take
partnership. With her it's not always "Me, me, me" but "we" and "us".
Not only does she believe in a 50/50 give-and- take partnership, she
takes her 50% part of the partnership seriously.
9. She shows respect for you not only in private but more so in public
because she cares about how others see you and treat you.
10. She's not just nice to people she has something to gain from but
is kind and treats the doorman, the customer service rep, the
waitress, the beggar on the street, a child, the elderly etc. with
compassion and respect. This is a telling sign of how she'll treat you
once she feels she has you and isn't trying to impress you anymore.
11. She genuinely wants to be in a relationship with you and not just
looking for "any man" to solve all her problems. She talks positively
of the opposite sex but also not blind to their shortcomings.
12. She likes the things you like and makes an effort to do even the
things you like and she doesn't.
13. She's not embarrassed or too proud to show you how much she loves
you. She gives you her love and she also gives you her trust.
14. She's positive, happy with her life and always upbeat. She does
not try to put other girls/women down to look better than she really
15. She makes you feel like you really matter even with all your
faults and shortcomings-- and she's happy that you were born!
I know that we have the most amazing ladies in the world, but even
when you have all these characteristics, then still there is no end to
stop in progress and develop)
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