To determine what the characteristics of a good man are we would need to define the word good for ourselves first and weigh this up against our own conscience, beliefs, moral standards etc. Would a man be good? Who knows… The point is that we all have various definitions of what good is and possibly what the characteristics of a good man are, dependent on what our own moral standards are.
For example a woman who has been sexually abused by a man could meet a guy who verbally abuses her and she could consider him a good man because he is seen as a 'better man' than the one who sexually abused her. This is in her mind. Often women use the excuse but he is a 'good' man when tolerating different types of abuse or general disrespect and dishonor.
When comparing our different moral standards some might believe there was nothing good about a particular man while others differ in opinion. And of course all humans believe they are good to different degrees.
The only way to define the characteristics of a good man would be if we defined ourselves and our own expectations of good men. We would also need to look at the difference between an 'ideal man' and a 'realistic one'. Often times what we perceive as a good man is too idealistic for any man to be realistically. There are however, some very basic guidelines that we should all take into account. They fall into the category of good moral standards. These are the basic needs in every relationship in order for us to live peacefully and sanely with each other. We cannot define the characteristics of a good man by what he has, we can only define a good man by what his character traits are compared to Gods standards and same goes for women. What is acceptable for some might not be acceptable for others dependent on our level of tolerance and taste. The best man to encounter would be the God fearing one as he is more inclined to have the traits we do look for in good men.
What to look out for in a relationship with any man:
Watch the way he treats his family and friends. Is he respectful to his mother and sisters and general girl friends or is he often in conflict with them? Does he gossip!?
Is he honest or is he one of those guys who tell small lies often?
Does he pay the bill when on a date?
Does he call when he says he is going to call or at least apologize when not? Its matter of general respect and taking into account the feelings of another.
Is he a man with a vision for the future or is he just one of those 'happy go lucky' guys that take life in its stride to the extreme?
Many will laugh at this next question but it's quite a giveaway into a guy's character. How does he treat animals and children? Does he kick the dog or cat or does he take care of animals and the children in his space? This will certainly give you insight into how he would treat your feelings or even children one day!
The most obvious traits to avoid are men that lie, steal, cheat and abusers whether emotional or physical.
Men who are too attached to their mothers, be aware, you could find your mother in law with you on your honeymoon!
Spenders of your money and the forever jobless are definite no no's to be around.
A man who mostly considers the needs of others above his own is well worth getting to know.
A man who doesn't talk about himself all the time and who listens when someone else is talking is respectable.
A man who isn't afraid of being honest.
And generally a man who isn't afraid of being a man. We lack men in our society who are real men. We have too many men who act like ladies! What happened to the real leaders of the world? There are so few that it's an epidemic crisis.
A man who is a good steward of his health and finances are a keeper indeed. For all the ladies who like to shop, hook up with a guy who looks after his finances so he can possibly help you look after yours.
A great characteristic of the mature in character men is the quality he has in being able to accept that women are emotional and are 'wired' very differently to men.
And a man who can accept that a women's body will grow old just like his and opt for friendship first in finding his match is definitely amongst the great.
Don't try to find good men based on their looks, it just doesn't work! It's a bonus if there are good men with good looks to add to the package but generally the charmers and good lookers of the world are probably going to cause you a lot of heartache. If a man has too many girl friends in his life and isn't around too many good men, I'd watch out.
So to synopsize the most important characteristics of a good man (it is just my vision of the traits and you also may write about yours):
A Godly man being one of the best.
An honest and trustworthy man.
A man with a sense of humor.
A man who considers your feelings to be more important than his own, mostly.
A man who is a good steward of his health, finances, pets and children.
A man who is not afraid to be a warrior or hero should he need to be, a protector. If a man is weak and afraid, well you will land up being the 'pants in the house' and most women, I believe, like strong men who can lead own household.
A man who is respectable and definitely hygienic.
A man who can provide.
A man who shares the load in chores.
A man who respects you as you are and respects your body but loves you enough to challenge you to be everything you can be in life.
A man who is not overly jealous without real cause and a man who trusts you as much as you trust him. No trust, No relationship!
A good communicator and balanced.
Guys who are able to love those around them and receive love at the same time, are the greatest of men and many flaws will be overlooked because of love!
So, if you feel you have at least one of these traits, lt’s keep in touch – I will be honored to meet you and see how good we are both!!!
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