Showing your love doesn’t have to mean showering your loved one with gifts or writing messages in lipstick on the mirror each morning.
Most couples show the extent of their care in the little things they do, greeting cards, notes, a night out on the town, hot coffee waiting for when you sit down, and they are all a much appreciated part of any relationship. Yet sometimes, for that extra pizzazz, you want to get a little creative and that’s where the imagination often fails.
Here are some ways for attracting the attention of a new love or for adding to the romance of a long-term relationship.
1.The Paper Airplane
Take your loved one on a picnic or for a walk in the park. Write out a few love notes and fold them into paper airplanes. Pick a time when your loved one is just sitting, not paying much attention, than sail the paper airplanes his or her way. He or she might not notice at first, or think you’re just playing, but with a little persistence, your loved one will eventually pick one up and read it. Make the messages short, whimsical or funny, but they are sure to put a smile of endearment on any lover’s face.
2. Find an Unusual Souvenir
People like oddities, and finding one can be as simple as visiting a curio shop and coming back with an unusual snow globe. Strange little pieces of art wrought in metal can be great for a conversation piece or an old collector comic book to bring back memories of those childhood years. Learn your loved one’s tastes. Your lover may not like the mechanical chicken you found, but be enthralled by a piece of polished glass you picked up on the beach.
3. The Foot Bath
Aching feet are a part of everyday life, and not a whole lot is done to relieve them. Draw a warm basin of water for your loved one to soak those tired feet in, with a little Epsom salt and essential oil. After about fifteen minutes of foot soaking, dry off the feet, apply a little massage oil, and rub it in, adding plenty of thumb pressure to the soles. Pay special attention to the toes, massaging and flexing each one individually. You can wrap up this tender act with a pedicure that is bound to give your loved one pleasure.
4. The Remote Control Car
Nobody ever really gets over the fun of playing. Go down to the toy section and buy a couple of remote control cars. You and your lover can spend hours of fun racing the cars against each other, holding miniature demolition derbys or simply sending notes to each other by taping them to the hood of the vehicle. If the cars don’t sound like your lover’s interest, try other dual partnership toys like old fashioned walkie talkies, new fashioned computerized robots (you can get them as small as two inch bugs) or miniature Ping-Pong.
5. Where You’ve Never Gone Before
You don’t have to seek out the most unusual places for a vacation to find a unique place to take your lover. It can be as simple as searching the streets of your town. Take your lover on a hunt to find that store, restaurant or entertainment establishment neither of you has ever been to before. Let your lover take the lead, deciding what piques her or his interest, and simply following through with enthusiasm and interest, letting curiosity be the boss of your adventure. You might find just the place that, having visited once, you’ll want to revisit again and again just to stir those memories.
6. Serenade
You don’t have to be a good singer or hire a mariachi band to serenade your lover. Just upload your lover’s favorite songs onto an I-pod or purchase them on CD for a boom box, and surprise her by playing them outside her bedroom window. Of course, if she lives in a high-rise, you’ll have to be more inventive. Play the music outside her entrance door, hiding to the side until she comes out, then adding a bouquet of flowers as an extra flourish. Just make sure you don’t play the music so loud the neighbors complain.
7. Go to a Science Observatory
This may sound surprising, but a science observatory can be very romantic, as well as an educational stimulant. Most science observatories have comfortable seating and small crowds. While it isn’t the place to bring your popcorn, when you settle back for the light show, it’s as good as driving out to look-out point. Watching the constellations and the planets in their rotations up close is not an experience you’ll easily forget, and while the stars are still dancing around in your partner’s mind is a good time to reaffirm your love and care.
8. Just for Him
Think of something he( she ) would really like; a game ticket, the home-baked cookies he just can’t resist, a sexy video with you as the star, even a full sized poster board of his favorite movie star. Tell him you wrote down the prize on a piece of paper and if he pulls it out of the hat, he wins. However, there is something he doesn’t know; you wrote down the same thing on every piece of paper, so there is no way he can lose. When he reads out loud what his prize is, present it to him. It’s bound to bring lots of laughs as well as lots of affection.
9. Bring Summer into Your Winter
Unless you’re living in a tropical or sub-tropical zone, winter eventually comes with its bare trees and cold weather. Sometimes, it gets down-right dreary to see so many withered leaves, slate skies and barren hillsides. Refresh your memories of spring’s romance by taking your loved one to a giant greenhouse or plant nursery. The warm, steamy air and heady scents will make you quickly forget that outside, the air is freezing. While you’re at it, you might want to shop around for a bonsai, a cheerful green plant, a small indoor citrus tree or even a cherry tomato plant. Imagine how delightful it would be to pick fresh tomatoes in the middle of January.
10. Make Your Love and Care All Season
Don’t wait until special events; holidays, birthdays and anniversaries to show your loved one how much you care. Bake or buy a birthday cake three months after the birthday, give a Valentine’s card in July, mark anniversary events on a regular basis. “This is the day I met you and you began to fill my life. This is the day we first kissed. This is the day I realized how much I truly loved you. This is the day I decided to say how much I care about you. This is the day I will always remember because it’s another day with you.” When you are being creative, the greatest creativity in showing that you love and care is by showing it every day of your lives together.
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