Hello readears! It is so great to write you in the autumn day. I like to have a cup of tea in the nice cafe and just watch people.. i write something. Why? maybe it inspires. Where do you get thoughts? what does inspire you? Have you ever thought that a woman can inspire you herself? To be your Muse? I think i could be a Muse for someone.. Maybe someone also sits and watches me... How can i know it? So, today i had a cup of orange tea and saw a couple who were married for a few years already? When i know that woman before she was a Candy... you know what i mean? but withing a few years i could hardly recognize her.. Why does this happen to a man: when he meets a woman and falls in love - he makes her blind with love and care, when he marries her - getting used to and stops to show her his affection? Why is it coming out ?? Maybe this is due to the fact that the man feels that his woman doesn’t go anywhere or share, and he has punished her and then has to conquer other peaks. What do you think ??? Why is this happening ??? Tell me what you think? Or maybe we could have just a cup of tea? Anastasia
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