Many people ask the question “How to find love?” Without realizing that love will find you when you are truly ready for it. Start with yourself. Fill those voids in yourself that prevent you from opening up. Add the missing element to your puzzle - the pleasure of life how it is. A person who is cultivating himself, who goes forward and up, and takes everything possible from life, who has accepted himself as he is, such a person radiates light from within. As if hundreds of firefly’s flit inside it and fill it with a special glow. Such people can be seen immediately and their magnetism can be felt simply by the look. Like the sun in the winter cold, they want to bask in their rays, charging with positive life energy. Become one of them, start to glow, fill your thoughts with good and give them to the world, not expecting anything in return. Learn to enjoy it. And then the one who will fill your life with the happiness of unconditional love cannot pass by this light. Yana
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