In our fast paced world people hurry up, haste and forget to feel completely. Ad to feel is to live. Can you imagine a life without love? This is something boring, routine and monotonous... Such uninteresting life makes you take thought what is real love. I thought is it possible to deduce its formula. It is not so easy! There is general scientific proven fact that love evaporates as soon as you try to expand it into components because love is a feeling that must be felt. But I still try.
Suppose that a man and woman are the variables then love is the sum of these variables multiplied by a constant. It remains to define these constants which true love depends on.
In my opinion the first important constant is reciprocity. The heart must be opened for the boom Cupid! Otherwise life without love is like to tempt yourself candy and all your life to be afraid to taste it because you think that it can be bitter. And in life, if one relationship failed, it does not mean that others will be the same. Therefore perfect love must be mutual and enjoyable for both of you! And that love comes only to those who do not afraid and prepared to use it in their lives.
The second constant is time. When man and woman meet sympathy and amorousness arises. Amorousness is invented love without the support of reality. At this time instead of real human enamored person loves the image which he thinks up himself. However amorousness passes quickly. The initial euphoria finishes reality and facts of which invented ideals along with the feelings are breaking down with crystal bells. Thus ideal love should pass the test of time and facts. Perfect love has the experience of 1 year minimum.
I would suggest that the third most important constant is the lack of reason for love. Love is not for something; love is despite everything and just like that. The real ideal lovers always takes care of their feelings, its development, and picked up another higher level of relations without any conditions and on a voluntary basis.
It is wrong when you love someone, but that love does not change your life for the better but rather hard fertilizes its difficulties, disorders and problems. Perfect Love should always bring joy.
It is also not an option if declare actively that they love you but really love your wallet or credit card, model looks or exceptional housekeeping abilities, i.e. in fact do not love you but what you have or what you can give. It is right when the real feelings are behind it. But when there are no feelings, there is no love and to turn love to the free supermarket has recently become a norm in our world through the consumer.
Making a summary of all the above we obtain the formula: perfect love equals the multiplication of three constants – reciprocity, time and absence of a causal; and the sum of two variables – man and woman who are capable to experience feelings.
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