When it is cold and gloomy outside during autumn, we all want to stay inside, in a warm cozy bed, cuddle and have a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon, read a book or watch a movie. Who wants to get up and go outside, when the piercing wind makes you shiver? Who wants to work the whole day, when you get up and see no light outside and coming back home, it is already dark? Autumn can make many people feel the blues, but we should never despair! Seasons take their rightful places in time, changing each other. Autumn will not last forever, so why not make every day count? Every day may not be good... but you can find something good in every day!)) I am sure you will all agree with me!) We can have a cup of delicious tea, enjoy a breath of fresh air, hear the colorful leaves rustling under your feet, meet up with friends, enjoy some board games with them, bake an apple pie and invite your family for a nice talk, go to the movies, do some sports – the list of things that we can do and make our life meaningful and interesting is endless! The main thing is to never waste your time, as this is something which you can never get back. It always runs forward. Now take a good look at your bed. See? It is right there, a cute little creature. It is still sleeping, that is why you have no desire to start a new day. Do you know what this creature is? It is your Good Mood!)) So, what we all need to do is to get up and let's not forget to wake up our Good Mood to be with us every day!) This little creature likes to be petted and taken thorough care of!))) How is your little creature, called "Good mood" feeling today?) I hope to hear from everyone their little secrets of making your mood better) Wishing a great day to everyone!) Sincerely, Oksana
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