Hello, dear reader! What are you looking for on this site? I am sure that every visitor of this site is looking for a relationship here, ideally his love. But are you sure that you are ready to meet Her? Why should I be ready for this,you might ask? And how to prepare for this? Imagine that in 5 minutes you will meet the very Love of All Life. What will you tell her? How will you behave? Don't you know? And now think for a minute - what are you ready to give to this person? Are you ready to do for him what you are ready to do for yourself? If yes, this is good news. But how much are you willing to do for yourself? And do you feel comfortable, if at the same time the interests of other people are infringed upon? Do you love yourself? Here is the main question! After all, only a person who truly loves himself can love another person. Therefore, before trying to find your Love and plunge into these feelings, you need to experience this feeling for the main person in your life - for Yourself. Do you love yourself? And what does "To Love Yourself" mean for you?
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