Yin & Yang
id: 414159

Frame 1: A man stands in front of a wall. Frame 2: A woman stands in front of a wall. Frame 3: Man standing in front of the wall thinks, "How do I smash through that wall". Frame 4: Woman standing in front of the wall thinks, "How do I get around that wall?" Frame 5: Man hits the wall with a sledgehammer. Frame 6: Woman uses her hair bow as a grappling hook. Frame 7: Man spins around and falls on the ground from the impact of the hammer against the wall. Frame 8: The woman falls on her butt when trying to climb up the string attached to the hairbow. Of cause the comic strip would've been better if drawn. The point is man are inherently stupid and women are inherently silly. Yang is aggressive, masculine and a man which gets his strength from his will. Yin is passive, feminine and a woman who gets her strength from her resolve. This philosophy is like a handgrade it just needs to be close enough. With a man being aggressive is like a pitcher throwing a baseball. A woman being passive think of her like the catcher catching the ball after the batter is struck out. With such things about feminine and masculine people listen to others who make up stuff about what someone should act like. The truth is if you become that person you are then you'll naturally be in balance with yourself and you be feminine or masculine. Such things won't bother you because you'll be exactly what you are supposed to be.
