"Love"...one of the most influential words in existence if you ask me. If you are a reader of my blog, then you know I have an interests in relationships and love. I admire "real love" (a lot of us still don't know what that means) between two people and all that's suppose to come with it. Love can make you do a lot of things you want to do and a lot of things you don't want to do. Love can also make you overlook things that you normally would see, it can blind you actually (If you are reading this, I'm sure you've been blinded by love, don't worry, we all have). I've been thinking about this topic for quite some time and I only write when the feeling arrives to write or if I've been influenced recently regarding my topic...in this case, it's both.
Now, me personally, I like to think there's the wrong kind of love, the right kind of love and there's love that can be looked at as "forbidden love"--think about it for a second. Do you think you've ever encountered "forbidden love"? Have you stayed away from "forbidden love" because of what someone or society might think or say is forbidden? Here's the thing--what if this "forbidden love" is indeed real love?
I guess for me, since I am one of those believers in "real love", I tend to shy away from what society deem as "forbidden love". Just because society, your peers or even family thinks something is forbidden, in this case "forbidden love", does that automatically mean it's wrong? If you've been told all your life that something was forbidden, then naturally you automatically view it as being forbidden, not because you've experienced it but only because it's been drilled in our heads. Don't get me wrong, hopefully we all have common sense, we all KNOW the things involving love that are wrong. So stop thinking it's okay to go out and cheat on your significant other and say "Cliff said just because its forbidden doesn't mean it's wrong". You know damn well those type of actions are wrong. The type of "forbidden love" I'm referring to is the obvious attraction and connection between two people that could feel weird and forbidden because of past situations and experiences. But what if this attraction and weird connection is one that you've never experienced before? What if it gives you confidence? What if it makes you trust like you've never trusted before? What if just the simplest word out of that person's mouth makes you smile? Or how about when your phone rings, you're secretly hoping you see their name across the screen before you look? To me, this type of "forbidden love" probably outweighs what others think. If this type of "forbidden love" is wrong, how can it feel so good? If it's not hurting anyone, how can this love be forbidden? What do you think?
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