Jason Asked About Love - My Thoughts
id: 414159

Mail Order Bride type system of a relationship is a backwards thing. The standard way things wok is you meet someone and you date or hangout with them for sometime to get to know someone well enough before going through the other stages of a relationship. With this system you get to know each other well before you meet. So years of dating and son which it takes to get to know a person is done before which just leaves the first few dates to do. This is the phase of dating ware you get use to the others present before you get to know them well. I've been sending and receiving letters for awhile between me and a lady friend on this site. I'll find out if the first part of the relationship will work out between us or not when I visit her. If it doesn't at least what little money I can afford to spend will help out the area and I'll chalk it up to a vacation. The following is apart of a letter I wrote her when she asked me about love. Type of love I want with my wife? Love is a complex emotion or compound emotion depending on the way you choose your words. The basic emotion of any variation of love is care. You care about someone and depending on the experiences, how you see that person and such determines the form of love it is. You love each person you do and that doesn't change. People most often confuse passion with love. Passion can come and go but love never goes away. You can bury that love under other thoughts and feelings but it'll aways be love. The ghost (ghosts refer to memories in American in situations of dialog as here) will come back to haunt you and bring all those emotions that attached to it. Either bittersweet or what have you. Around 2002 A publishing company that published some stuff of mine sent me a request for a poem to add to a collection they wanted to sell. I wrote "A Love Poem" and sign the promotion form. Only remember a bit of it now. [Love poems have been scrolled amongst the stars by sages of long past All I would say is a prefabricated copy of the same] Words are just that, words. Unless your choices and actions make those reality then it's just noise no matter how truthfully it's spoken. Worrying about hurt feeling because you have spoken hash words that needed to be said shouldn't be unspoken. [No matter how hard I try I'm only that Star-Studded Knight within my own mind The one who'll save you, her ladyship from some insanely crazed monster] Doesn't matter to anyone else how you truly feel for someone or will do for that person. Reality is what it is. Of cause we want to imagine ourselves to be the hero of the passion play. It'll prove we are worthy of that other persons love. That's why we pay writers to create fantasies for us to dream we are that hero for a moment at least. When you look at that other person you'll alway have peace of mind because you know they'll do right by you. You may come home from work hungry expecting me to have made you a four-course diner and find that I actually made you a Club Sandwich and French Fries. No what you were looking for but at least your not hungry after eating it. Hopefully that gives you a better understanding of where I stand. A best friend that you can alway count on to be there at your side.
