Hello dear seekers of love! But how does this come about? Why does a romantic woman come across only cynical men, and a romantic man - cynical women? And almost never come across others. What is the secret of such a distribution? Why do romantic people never meet each other? What kind of mystic? The answer to mysticism is that romantic feelings of both men and women do not feel for everyone they meet, but only to those with whom they are at least a little in LOVE. Before a man falls in love, he is guided not by romance, but by pragmatism. Can a man experience something like falling in love by looking at the profiles of unfamiliar girls? But feelings between people arise on a completely different basis. As long as they are lonely, they can meet with such people, but in order for love to appear and want to be married, each of them needs another. They need mutual sympathy, intellectual coincidence, understanding, emotional stimulus, and a whole series of things that can be described as “interest in the individual.” But interest in the person does not arise from reading the standard questionnaire, interest can arise only in the process of communication, and informal communication is necessary in order for personal qualities and their coincidences to appear. And here the situation with dating, unfortunately, falls into a vicious circle. To be interested, you need to meet, and to get acquainted, you need to be interested. While there is no interest, it is necessary to make a selection for pragmatic and even cynical parameters. But I would like to find a person with whom, at a minimum, it would be interesting to spend time, and at most, one could enter into a long-term LOVE union. Sincerely, Ekaterina
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