Dear readers, many people in a relationship face the fact that with time they give less attention, care, gifts and other things. And then it starts to seem to them that the partner no longer loves them, does not appreciate and has found someone else for himself. But often the problem is different. We do not give enough attention, affection, love to our partner and he begins to pull away. If at the very beginning of the relationship a man gave flowers every day, and a woman told him every day how dear he was to her, for example, after six months of a relationship, the woman stopped so joyfully and brightly to respond to bouquets. The man thinks “is it worth doing it if there is no return? if she is no longer as happy from it as before?” That is why this exchange of emotions, energy is so important. One gives - the other gives in return. And vice versa. If the chain is interrupted, then one of the pair probably fells uncomfortable. And as a result, the other partner too. And what do you often do - give or take? Alena
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