Hello my dear readers) I am very glad to re-present my thoughts, only this time about romantic feelings, how important they are to us. I hope you enjoy the same and you will be no less delighted. Well, let's begin. Romance is an enthusiastic and emotional attachment or involvement between people or may be the emergence of sweetness in a relationship. It consists of different actions and feelings that spin around a couple at their primary stage of getting to know about each other. Romance is a vital aspect of your life, irrespective of your gender. It can take any shape in the relationships but the important thing is to continue the feeling of romance with the person you are with, in order to support the durability and happy relationship for ever. Many people resemble romance with the love but in fact, they are entirely different concept as romance is a short term feelings but love is everlastingly feelings. The feeling of romance is equally important for both, men and women and it arise when you are near to you loved one but the feeling of love remains no matter you are far or ways form the person you love. But there is no doubt in the statement that romance act as a cement for to concrete the relationship of love, so they both go together and act as a ladder for each other. Love binds all romantic relationships. Without love they would not exist. George Hebert shows the benefits of love in relationships in this quotation that states "Love makes all hard hearts gentle." This quote expresses how a cold person coming into a relationship can be softened by love. Having a romantic partner gives a person a sense of reassurance, self-esteem, and love for himself. Love enhances the lives of both partners in the relationship. For example, when two people are in love, their emotions are at an ultimate high. It creates a bond that is not easily broken. Ultimately, love is what makes a relationship last. Romantic relationships enrich life with friendship, courtship and love. Successful relationships are able to incorporate all of these and build upon them. Tommy Page emphasizes the importance of these three things involved in working relationships with his words "I'll be your lover, and I'll be your best friend . . . I'll be your everything." This brings together all three aspects of comradery, courtship and love in relationships. Romance is basically the symbol of admiration for the camaraderie and devotion of our partner. It shows you love and concern for your partner. So, the feelings of romance can actually make things more pleasant for both of the partners. Just few romantic gestures of feelings can rekindle the passion and fire in you relationships that will help you to lead a satisfied and fulfilled life.
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