Hello, everyone! My name is Julia and I have a strong wish to share my thoughts with you all. I am sure, after seeing the title you can be a little bit confused. I was always a woman, who got used to keep everything on her shoulders. In few words, my life was 'work - house chores - again work - studying - and more work...' and nothing what made me feel simple tender woman. I always thought that I cannot get presents or surprises from somebody. I do not know how to receive attention right. I do not know, maybe I thought that I do not deserve attention, care, support, or maybe I thought that I am just not able to give something in return. I think that experience which everyone from us has, sometimes has bigger influence on us and on our lives, than we can even imagine. Bad experience in women's life made them 'Iron Ladies', this is how I think. Long years I was this Iron Lady... I did not feel that I have right to feel myself a woman, who wishes and deserves attention, care, warmth, and main thing - LOVE. Now I can surely say that every woman deserve a man, who will break her ice and make her heart feel warmth. When we, women, think that we have nothing to give in return, we are so wrong, my dear! Just imagine how lucky your beloved man is simply because you are in his life! Our sincere smile when he is upset, warm hugs after a long work day, hot tea and chicken soup when he is ill, our loving look which he catches when you are thinking that your man is the best man ever, our sincere happiness when he make surprises for you! Feelings which we give to our beloved man - are the biggest and the best thanks for them. We just need to be sincere with each other. Men, I want to ask you not to forget that your ladies are your flowers. And when you feed your flower, it is in blossom and gives you amazing feelings in return. Every woman will blossom in hands of a caring gardeners. Men, remind us that we are your flowers and that we deserves the best. You will be the happiest person with the lady, who you treat like a flower. To cut in short, I want to say that everyone has right to dream and to expect, has right to deserve and to get. I hope that everyone will find something useful from my thoughts; and those, who have already met their second-half - will have something warm inside and will share it with beloved; and for those whose love is on way to you, will remember that your beloved is the best! Let us not give our bad life experience has an opportunity to influence on our present and future happiness! With the best regards, Julia
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