Here I would like you reading my blog to remember only pleasant moments from your life. Hmm .. probably now you thought, what did this crazy girl came up with ???))) LOL I would like to write what part of life "music" takes. After all, as soon as we are born, we hear the voices of our relatives. Then they sing lullaby for us)) They turn on different children's songs for us to dance) Every year we learn the world and the music walks with us through life))) Do you remember the song that your mother sang to you? I think it will not be forgotten even in the most mature age)) YES? Then having matured a little bit, you fall in love and some melody or song you associate with love) Of course, not everyone’s first love is lucky ... but you are happy at that moment) Even when you break up with your loved one, you listen to some kind of sad music ... (hmm. Or is it just for girls? Even in the craziest moments, you hear music somewhere ... in the park, in the car, at the neighbors ... And even when you fall you sing))) ahaha - notice this ?? Here it is –aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I am writing these words and smiling, because the song “Jingle bells” scrolls in my head. Because Christmas is coming soon))) It is time for pleasant surprises, happiness and miracles. So hurry to turn on your favorite song and write to me how you feel at that moment) Julia
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