Knowing each other becomes essential in making a relation successful. When you are in a relation it becomes important to know about that person so that you can lay the foundation for a trusting relation.Transparency and honesty should be maintained between you two and hence it becomes important that you ask questions to your partner to understand her better. Until and unless you learn about the small things about each other you can’t give the relation a definitive turn.
It is therefore important to prepare a set of questions to ask your partner to know her better. However, beginning the questioning session can be a difficult task and can take a serious turn if you are not sure where to begin. To help you in your bid we have therefore prepared a set of questions to ask a girl.
What are the questions to ask a girl?
Following are some model questions to ask a girl on your date. This will help initiating a conversation. You’ll be surprised to learn what unexpected turns these simple questions can take. You may ask her questions like,
How many siblings do you have?
Who is your best friend?
Who do you love most in the family?
Where did you go on your last vacation?
What is the best vacation you have taken?
What are your plans for the future?
Where do you want to work after finishing your course?
Would you go for higher studies?
Do you like sports?
Who is your favorite sports person?
What types of movies you like to watch?
Who is your best actor/actress?
Are you an outdoor person?
What you do on your free time?
How would you describe the happiest moment of your life?
How are your other friends?
Have you had a boyfriend in the past?
If you are given a choice, where would you love to spend your life?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What are the things to keep in mind while asking questions?
When it is an effort to know your partner better you also need to remember couple of things while asking questions to a girl. Following are the points to remember to keep the event light hearted and interesting.
Before you start asking questions, make sure that she is comfortable with the session.
Avoid asking questions that can cause tension between you.
Stop asking questions if she seems clearly uncomfortable with it.
Don’t probe too much into sensitive issues such as her previous boy friends and break-ups.
Keep the session light hearted and don’t convert it into a job interview.
Don’t force her to answer all your questions. Respect her privacy.
You may not want to ask all your questions at the first meeting. Left some questions unasked for the future.
Go slow with the questioning process and don’t turn it into a rapid fire round.
Don’t interrupt her while she is answering your questions. Listen to her carefully.
Volunteer information about yourself during the questioning session.
Don’t restrict the session strictly to questioning. Take up the cues from her answers to turn it into a full fledged conversation.
Ask her open ended questions. Also offer information about yourself during the conversation.
Women are often more sensitive and emotional than men and hence, you’d need to carefully choose the questions to ask her. If you are already in a relationship with her, you can also ask her questions like-what she likes about you, what did she liked in you when you first met etc.
Don’t shoot questions are her on your first meeting; rather, wait for the right moment to come. Once you both get comfortable with other then only you may place your questions before her.
waiting for your questions to me and answers :)
warmly, Lilechka
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