Good news blog!
id: 10037622

I have good news today! You know I have very curious mind and I like to know about different things. About a thing which interests me especially. I like to know things about love and relationships for example. I believe that its good to know about it a lot if you want to build something special in the future. So I received interesting info today. Do you know that the number of marriages between people which were raised in different cultures increases each year? Sure I talking about Ukraine now. For example, there were 15500 marriages between Ukrainian women and foreign men in 2017! That’s a pretty good amount! And seem like the situation will not change in a bad way. Every year amount of women which want to find love abroad increase rapidly. And one more interesting thing. A few years ago young women tried to find foreign love mostly. But according to the info I have the more and more mature Ukrainian women started to look for a serious and family oriented foreign gentleman. Love has no age. These words sound banal but we have facts which prove it! Do you know why the more and more Ukrainian women start to look for foreign men? It's coz of experience of their friends. Lots of women had many fears before. They were afraid to relocate, they were afraid of different difficulties which are connected to relocation. But situation changed. I have 4 friends who found love abroad. Some of them even did not know English! Can you imagine it? One of my friends knew “Hello” and “How are you?’ only. Do you know where she is now? Her home in Texas. And she is extremely happy living with her cowboy. She speaks English like she was born in America. So what things Ukrainian woman need from you? It’s love and care. Nothing more and nothing less. If you will give some care to her then you will receive a double amount of it. If you will give some love to her then you will be surrounded by her love all of your life. Ukrainian woman will follow her love to the edge of the world and it does not matter where you live. Does she ask for too much? Darya
