Love on a distance. Is it possible to keep feelings strong being on a distance? What things partners should know about such type of love? Yes, I would like to talk about it today because its very important topic I think. I guess you ask yourself questions which are connected to this topic often. Maybe you even have some doubts. You should not worry. It’s normal to have doubts. The most important thing you should know is that you should not give up. Never. Anything is possible in this life and if feelings of both partners are strong then they may overcome all obstacles. A building of relationship on a distance may take some time. But each coin has 2 sides. I propose to think of a distance as a competition. It’s a test of the feelings of both partners. If they will pass this test then there are good chances that they will be happy together. It's not an easy road to walk but if your wish to find pure love is strong enough then you may start walking it. One more thing you should know. You should communicate with your partner as frequent as possible. It will help you to keep the spiritual connection strong. And its even does not matter what you will say. Your partner will be glad to hear something from you. Maybe you wonder why I know so much about it? I will answer your question. My parents were born in different cities. And they did much of work before starting of living together. They had good moments of meetings, they are also had bad moments of parting. But they knew that they are meant to be together. Their hearts beat as one. I asked them many times about it and I was impressed by their answers. I understood that true love has unlimited powers. The most difficult thing is to find your love. But if you found it then you should not let it go. Stay with it no matter what and both of you will find happiness together.
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