If things go right then communication of partners will lead to meeting in real life. I would like to talk about a first date in my blog today. I am sure that its very important topic. Lots of people underestimate the first date for different reasons. But it was proved that chemistry may appear very fast or not appear at all. So what should we do to make a first date successful? I will tell you my thoughts on this subject. If you plan to meet Ukrainian lady then you should know that she like if a man takes initiative so it will be nice if he will choose a place for a first meeting. It will be right if he will tell more about this place to his lady so she will be able to choose a proper outfit for it. Why it's so important? Let's imagine that you decided to spend the first date in an active way. But your lady has high heels on. It will not be comfortable for her to walk a lot if she has it on. I will not tell you about clothes a lot because I am sure you know that partners should have a nice look. No dirty jeans or something:))))) Woman should not have a too provocative look. She should look attractive but modest. If you decided to meet with her in a café then it should be a cozy and quiet place. No Loud music. If music will be too loud then partners will not hear each other at all and too many things will distract their attention. One more thing which is discussed often – to drink or not to drink on a first date? I believe that its great if there is a balance. It will not be bad to have a glass of wine. And not more than just a one:)))) Ok, partners met in a cozy place. What should they do next? They should ask and answer questions. Their communication should not be like a monologue. Both partners should ask questions which will help to know each other better. Should the first date be long? That’s not a secret that a first date should not be too short but it should not be long. 2 hours will be enough. Many Ukrainian ladies like if a man takes her home after a date. Maybe its sound old fashioned a little bit but….that's so romantic. And the main thing which you should remember – stay yourself always. Be true to yourself. Don’t try to be better than you are in a real life. That’s all I want to say for today. I hope that my thoughts will help you and you will have many successful dates in the future.
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