Hello dear readers! For many, to be yourself in our time is unimaginable luxury. Unfortunately, people are more and more accustomed to look around and equal the opinions of others. Although in reality others do not care what you do and how. The majority of people are concerned only with their problems, but they will always find time to criticize. And it often happens that after hearing the criticism we lower our head and blindly believe what we were told, and we don’t believe the compliment, and it seems that we don’t deserve it at all ((. I think many now understand what I mean! You know a few years ago I was not self-confident and it seemed to me that I was somehow not so, not right, not perfect. There were moments when I behaved as it was inconvenient for me, but it suited others. And at some point I not realized that that's enough for me. It can't go on like this. I revised my priorities We clearly understood that changes are needed. From the moment this decision was made, I realized that “being yourself” is the ability to follow your inner voice, it is the ability to fulfill the desires of the soul. It’s very difficult to understand what you really need to be in the zone discomfort and it is very easy to hear yourself in a comfortable situation. An excellent means to look at yourself of the present is to evaluate your behavior at home. Yes, it is at home that we are the very ones who we really are. All that begins with the first step beyond the threshold of the apartment is sticking tinsel, putting on a protective chain mail. Therefore, I thought that dating through the Internet is a great idea) I like that here I can be myself. I can allow myself to remain a gentle and sweet girl in this man's world! Any man who wants to meet me can see me just the way I am. I, in turn, also have the opportunity to recognize a person as real. Indulge in communication without being distracted by anything. I know that men are not very inclined to strip their emotions, especially in public. But I think that in the format of our communication this face is easy to overcome. After all, there is only you and me !! I would very much like to have strong and happy relationships. I want to see next to me a confident and attentive partner who will treat me with respect and love. Therefore, I’m looking for a man who can make me happy, and I in my all I can surround him with my warmth and care. Give this man the feelings that he dreams of. And which he deserves!
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