Soon, very soon, literally in two days, and we will give and receive gifts again. No, this is not another Christmas or New Year, this is much better - Valentine's Day! Yes, February 14 is the most romantic, most gentle and sexiest holiday. And I recommend that you prepare for it in advance. So I decided to tell you what gifts the girls are waiting for that day. Jewelry Well, am I not a girl? Don't I want something pretty, shiny, expensive? I want to of course. I will tell you in confidence that all the girls would like diamonds and gold. Even to those who say they prefer silver. By the way, they can give products from white gold. Grab, take, please your ladies! In general, everything that glitters, shimmers and glares will do. And yes, a jeweler is certainly a romantic gift, you will not be mistaken! Underwear, preferably Victoria's Secret, but more will do! Well, here everyone is free to choose - someone can come up with an erotic set or a swimsuit, someone has unpretentious closed panties, someone will not give up a short bath robe (not really underwear, but still ...) In general, it seems to me that few women can resist the temptation to wear decent, quality lingerie. Purse You will not believe. but for a girl there aren't many of them! True, do not think that all women do not care about the color, shape, length and width of the strap, the presence of strazikov and the number of pockets. Therefore, before you buy a bag, it is better to consult with your beloved, and if you want to make a surprise - you will have to listen to the recommendations of the seller-consultant. Candy and flowers And of course you should not forget about the classics of the genre: candies and flowers. But it is worth knowing that the candy should be in a box in the shape of a heart, and the flowers must be roses. Saint Valentine would not appreciate other colors and sweets. I hope my advice was helpful to you. Kisses, Marina.
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